Data Cleaning and Automated Matching

Data Cleansing

Unstructured data - yes, we mean text - are usually difficult to handle because thy are messy.  Little or no consistent formatting, special characters, bad punctuation, misspellings, acronyms and synonyms are just some of the challenges.  Light Castle engineers have spent literally decades developing software to manage unstructured data so that you and your systems are working with the cleanest and most accurate data possible.  

Need to integrate the information from thousands of spreadsheets containing free text?  We've done that.

Need to aggregate, segment and reformat millions of complex records? We've done that too.

Need to validate and de-duplicate streaming transactions in real-time?  We've even got that T-shirt.

Light Castle provides software and consulting services to address the largest and toughest data cleansing problems.

Automated Matching

Imagine you have of database of tens of thousands of product descriptions and your faced with matching free text descriptions to those products.  The descriptions are just what you might expect: incomplete, arbitrarily ordered, misspelled and abbreviated.  Light Castle has built a powerful system for matching free text descriptions with these issues that has very high accuracy and speed.