Capturing the information content of paper forms electronically is a tedious and expensive chore for many businesses. From healthcare to financial services to direct marketing, paper forms still play a significant role in the business processes of these industries. The problem is that paper-based businesses must outsource or insource manual data entry or be at a significant disadvantage to competitors who have figured out how to transform their business to electronic records.
Enter Cascades. Cascades is an inexpensive cloud-based service that processes scanned forms to transform handwriting, OCR and barcode data into electronic information ready for simple validation and import into customer databases. Images of forms scanned at your location are uploaded quickly to the Cascades cloud through services such as Dropbox or through a private cloud solution for extra security. Analysis and quality control is performed over each form and the results are accessible for validation using a web browser. The only software to install is to supporting scanning and file transfer (if necessary).
No Risk Guarantee. We know that changing from paper could seem like a major undertaking that causes businesses to postpone or avoid making the transition. Therefore, we are offering a no risk approach and guarantee. You can try out Cascades without any commitment. Simply, give us examples of your forms and we'll show you how we can securely extract all the information with high accuracy and at low cost.
Demonstration. Watch this video for more details or contact a member of the Light Castle team for an online, live demonstration of Cascades.